One of the most devastating things that a homeowner in Cincinnati, Ohio, can find out is that mold spores have infested the porous surfaces of their home. You may not always be able to see mold growth throughout your home because it can develop and spread in areas of your home covered by walls, floors, and ceilings.
Although thousands of species of mold exist throughout the world, having mold growth in your home is never a good thing. Mold growth, however, can have a severe impact on your home’s structural integrity as well as the health and well-being of your family and pets. It is important to take whatever steps you can to prevent mold growth or kill mold at its first signs.
Reasons It Is Important to Kill Mold and Mold Spores
As most people know, mold is a naturally occurring part of the outside world but should not be allowed to develop and spread within a home. Mold growth depends on specific factors, including warm temperatures, darkness, and moisture, to survive.
In situations where there was a large amount of water present in the home (such as in flood or to extinguish the flames of a house fire), mold certainly has a great potential to grow and develop throughout the home where moisture continues to persist even after all excess water has been removed.
Cleaning mold and visible mold removal are integral for your home because mold exposure has the potential to harm the ones you love seriously. At the very least, asthma and allergies can become quite severe, but other more serious respiratory issues may also develop in individuals with already compromised immune systems.
The mold remediation process can also help prevent mold from having devastating effects on the structural integrity of your house. It is important to kill mold so that an infestation does not weaken your home’s internal structure or the very foundation on which your home was built.
An experienced mold removal company should do mold cleanup following a serious water damage situation to ensure that all surface mold and anything is hiding below the surface.
How to Stop Mold Growth with Vinegar in a Spray Bottle
In situations where the mold growth in your home is not extensive and has been contained to one specific area such as the shower, you may be able to remove mold independently without the professional help of experts such as ours at Apke Total Restoration in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Although bleach has been well-praised for its cleaning qualities, it has been shown that bleach does not clean mold away from porous surfaces in the ways that homeowners would hope and expect. Experts in the mold remediation industry have determined that to clean mold properly, and distilled white vinegar should be utilized instead of bleach.
When bleach is used instead of white vinegar to remove mold, the results are limited. Bleach can only kill surface mold rather than the membrane underneath it, and on porous surfaces, the mold moves deeper into the surface to avoid the bleach.
Using white distilled vinegar to kill mold (including many common household molds such as black mold) is far more effective than bleach due to the mild acid content. To ensure that the white vinegar kills surface mold and anything underneath, our mold problem experts at Apke Total Restoration in Cincinnati, Ohio, recommend using a spray bottle to apply the vinegar and allowing it to sit for at least an hour before wiping it away.
Suppose the mold species does not appear to be eliminated. In that case, you can follow the white vinegar application with some scrubbing using a combination of baking soda and water in a spray bottle. After vigorous rubbing with a scouring pad, you can rinse the solution with warm water, spray it again with the vinegar, and let the vinegar sit and dry.
Preventing mold growth is just as important as eliminating the current infestation, and utilizing white vinegar to kill mold is the most effective method of ensuring the safety of your family and home.
Contact Our Home Restoration Experts
If your home has experienced a water or fire situation and you believe that there may be mold growing due to leftover moisture in the house, you may need expert home restoration and mold removal. Our methods are designed to kill mold and prevent it from continuing to plague your house.
Our black mold remediation team understands the powerful qualities of household white vinegar on small areas of mold, but killing mold outbreaks in areas where mold thrives that are difficult to reach without advanced equipment is a job for the professionals.
At Apke Total Restoration in Cincinnati, Ohio, we are a 5-star rated company on Google, and our customer reviews certainly speak for themselves. We are locally-owned and family-owned, which means we are well-aware of the importance of keeping your home and family safe from any threats, including a moldy surface.
Our highly trained and certified technicians are dedicated to helping you ensure your family’s health and home’s security by killing mold no matter where it might be. Contact our expert mold removal team if you have been smelling the familiar musty odor of mold growth or believe that the bubbling on your walls is due to unseen mold just behind the wall.
When you call us, we are happy to give you a free consultation to discuss your potential mold problem and if you may be able to handle the situation yourself. If not, we will come out to your home and inspect the mold issue.
Contact us now to learn more about our home restoration services and get your free consultation with our experts.
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